front pagePress release$COOKIE will be released on June 13 and has received $5.5 million in funding from venture capital firms including Animoca Brands, Spartan Group and Mapleblock Capital

$COOKIE will be released on June 13 and has received $5.5 million in funding from venture capital firms including Animoca Brands, Spartan Group and Mapleblock Capital

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The $COOKIE token has several unique uses within the Cookie Ecosystem - an ecosystem developed independently by the Cookie3 project creators and the Cookie DAO community. In addition to governance and staking uses, $COOKIE has several unique uses related to the Cookie3 technology and platform. The Cookie Ecosystem enables the $COOKIE token to be issued unlimited airdrops to stakeholders of projects using the Cookie3 platform. This functionality is a direct result of the agreement between the Cookie DAO and Cookie3, which allows Cookie3 to allocate a portion of the tokens collected from Cookie3 Airdrop Shield, Cookie3 Affiliate, and Cookie3 Score to the Cookie DAO, which then issues tokens to $COOKIE holders who have expressed interest and performed specific activities to support these projects. In addition, $COOKIE will become an exchangeable native platform token within the Cookie Ecosystem for earning AI Data Credits. As the demand for AI analysis of Web3 data continues to grow, this will naturally create demand for $COOKIE.

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